Sunday, January 24, 2010

January Update

Eli has become such a mama's boy. He LOVES it when I laugh- he'll start cracking up if I just look at him and laugh. He grabs my hair, snuggles with me, gives me"kisses" (my entire face gets slobbered), and stares at me, no matter who's holding him. Well, the feeling is mutual!

I just took Eli in for his 4-month checkup (and shots- blech!) this past Monday. He is 17 pounds (88th %ile!) and almost 27 inches long (95th %ile!)- he is one big dude.

Elias really has bouts where he just develops like crazy. He is SO interactive. He's constantly looking around at everyone and everything. He turns pages in books while I'm reading to him. In his "Farm" book, he smiles every time I turn to the page with the sheepdog and starts fussing if I turn the page too soon. Isn't that crazy? Four months old and that kid already likes dogs (too bad, he doesn't get one!). He can almost sit up entirely on his own now. He laughs every single day and plays with me and Ben.

Elias loves his dad. And Ben loves his Eli.


The Chambers said...

OK, we can please talk about how handsome this boy is? Holy Cow...L O V E him. you must be proud parents. And fun trip to the zoo! I have secretly always wanted to go there. Maybe date night...I'm in charge! ha!

Kate said...

Whoa! Eli is so big! I had no idea! I love the last pic- that expression is just so cute!! He sounds so fun- I can't believe all the things he is doing, he just seems so mature! Thanks for your comment on my blog-it made my day! Can't wait to get these babies together.

The Ishiis said...

That is so fun that he is doing so many things! What a little cutie, he sounds like so much fun! That is so cool that you guys got to pet the animals at the zoo, Kaitlyn would love that.

Carrie said...

Can I just say that your little guy is a cutie!

me said...

He looks so cute in the pic with the lion on his sleeper!