Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trials and Blessings

and Blessings

Trial: So, about 50 other people gave birth at the same time as I did. They are all up and going places and seem to be fine. I am not. My friends keep giving me odd looks like, "How come you aren't feeling better?", which I interpret as, "Wow, Merrilee, I didn't know you were such a wimp!" Well, last week I called my OBGYN and told her my symptoms (trust me, you don't want them listed here!) and that I was in an inordinate amount of pain. She told me, "It's perfectly normal. If you feel there's something wrong, go to the ER", which I interpreted as, "Wow, Merrilee, stop being such a wimp and wasting my time!" So, I just dealt with it. But...

Blessing: by Friday I was in so much pain, I called four people I trust: a nurse at the hospital, my sister (who's a nurse), my friend (who's in nursing school), and my mom, who's not a nurse, but gave birth to seven kids, and so deserves a medal of honor and an honorary nursing degree. They all told me my doctor was crazy and that my symptoms were definitely NOT normal. Yay for having great people to call!

Trial: So, I went in to the ER on Friday night. Ben and I did NOT want to bring Elias in to the ER (for obvious reasons), and so we weren't sure how I was supposed to get there (I was in too much pain to drive myself). So...

Blessing: thank goodness for visiting teachers!!! I called my visiting teacher, and even though it was a Friday night (and Date Night!), she dropped everything to take me to the ER while Ben stayed home with the baby. Which meant...

Trial: I had to pump. Any woman who has ever had to pump will realize why that is a trial. As if feeding your baby doesn't make you feel enough like a member of the bovine family. But luckily...

Blessing: Eli is not picky. He made some funny faces when he first took the bottle, but he took it nonetheless. So...

Trial: my VT, Andrea, took me to the ER, where the ER doctor took one look and prescribed an antibiotic shot before he even took a culture. Apparently, I have a pretty bad infection. So, the nurse comes in and tells me he is going to give me the most painful shot they have. Thanks for the pep talk. Thankfully...

Blessing: after childbirth, this was nothing! I almost laughed when he gave me the shot. I received two prescriptions for two different antibiotics and we were out of the ER after a stay of only ONE HOUR! Can anyone break that record? I've never been in and out so fast! So, Andrea took me to get my prescriptions, which means...

Trial: I cannot feed Eli for two weeks! :( That is the saddest part of the story to me. So, Ben and I bought formula. Elias gives me the SADDEST look sometimes when I feed him from the bottle (it breaks my heart). His little accusing eyes seem to say to me, "What IS this??? You're holding out on me!" It also means that midnight feedings double in time, since I feed Eli and then time to pump 'n' dump. What a waste! I just pray Eli will switch back after two weeks of eating from the bottle. However, I must say...

Blessing: I'm grateful to be feeling better (I could feel a difference by the next morning!). I'm grateful for modern medicine. I'm grateful for a WONDERFUL husband who gets to take turns feeding Eli (although I still take the night shift, since he has school). I'm grateful for an AMAZING VT- Thanks Andrea!! And lastly, I'm grateful that this was my trial. I know that so many people have it so much worse (for example, there was a sexual assault victim at the ER when I went- how terrible!), and I am grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to see how blessed I am!

P.S. I included a picture of Eli so people would actually look at this post. I know how it is! :)
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Melissa Savage said...

Oh Merrilee, that's awful and wonderful all at the same time! Yay for a good husband, good friends, and good medicine! Keep getting better!

The Ishiis said...

Wow, was that just this last Friday, or is it when you first came home? Glad that you listened and went to the ER though and are feeling better.

me said...

Merrilee, sorry you had to have this trial with your first, when your so clueless about the after effects of birth. Hopefully you will be feeling back to normal soon.

The Chambers said...

You sure know how to make me cry! Honestly, on the way over to your house that night I was crying because I hate to see people hurting. And I knew there was something wrong just listening to the way you talked. It ended up being a great night though, I enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you! I hope you are feeling 100% better. I've been meaning to check in with you again. And Merrilee, DO NOT feel like a wimp...all those other ladies have trials...they're just not sharing them. Be grateful that's your only trial...it could be worse! You are such a wonderful mother and friend! Have a great day hun!

KB Kidz said...

i love you Merr! You're a stud muffin... and your doc is a TOAD!!!

Shalmeno said...

This is wonderful reading. I'm sorry you were so sick, but grateful for your testimony. Thank you for sharing!

Taryn said...

This was an awesome story. I liked how you broke it down blessings/trials. I might try that some time. I am so glad you are feeling better. And including the pics of Eli wasn't necessary but definitely a plus!!!

Our cute kids said...

Being a mom is such a journey. I am so glad you are feeling better. I liked the way you posted your trial/blessing blog. Nice job. Isn't that life. You have a great outlook.

Jamie Bills said...

Merrille- I am sorry that I didn't know you were having such a hard time. I am glad that things seem to be doing better. Sorry to hear about the pumping...that is the worst! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call. I am glad Andrea was there for you. She is amazing.