Monday, July 26, 2010

Eli's First Steps

Yes, Eli took his first steps. Guess whom he walked to first. Or should I say what- sadly, Eli's first steps were to the dishwasher, which he loves to climb into. The footage below was taken right after his first steps to the dishwasher. Since then he has been braving more steps, more often. He has walked to both of us numerous times, although his preferred method of travel is still crawling (much faster = more damage in less time). He will be walking in no time. Uh Oh!


Kate said...

That is awesome! That's so funny about the dishwasher- baby Gabe loves it too- loves to take out all the silverware and throw it on the floor and then climb on top of the door and try to reach things on the top rack. I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time keeping my house clean with all the messes Gabe makes! Give that sweet baby Eli lots of hugs and kisses from me.

lynn said...

So cute!! I bet in a couple of months he is going to be RUNNING!! I love blogs - back in the old days we would just hear about one of our grandchildren taking their first steps - now we get to see it!

me said...

I like how focused he was. He looked right at that dishwasher.

Amie said...

Shoot- it's all over now!!! Yea Eli on being a big boy!!!! We miss you.