Merrilee and I went to the OBGYN yesterday and the first thing they did was the ultrasound. At first I just wanted to know if the baby was healthy and alive. Then the technician showed us the little fetus and we saw the flutter of the heart. That is when it hit me that little life is mine. It was such a special moment for Merrilee and I. It all became more than a sick and grumpy wife. I am kidding, Merrilee is actually really good to me. Though she is not as nice in her sleep last night she hit me and stole my pillow. Yea I whine about it, but I realize Merrilee has the hardest part. So thanks Merrilee.
They printed out a regular ultra sound and a 4-D one. Hope you can see the baby, it looks like the baby is sucking its thumb if that helps.